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Book Review: Vile Bodies

The book is by Evelyn Waugh, who I read about on the cover of some other book I was reading. The reviewer praised the author saying he was ‘almost as...

Book Review: The prince of Ayodhya

‘The Prince of Ayodhya’ was lent to me by a very interesting lady. Was a bit surprised when she said: “Keep it for as long as you like, am not...

Book Review: The curious case of the dog in the night-time

I don’t usually read books that have been hyped. Have no good reason for this odd(?) behaviour. However a friend forced this one on me over the weekend. Not wanting...

Book Review: Snow crash

Am not much of a sci-fi fan but read it anyway ‘cause it (Snow Crash) was recommended by L.

Book Review: Shikasta

How do you define a good book?

Book Review: Manticores secret

The Manticore’s secret is along the same lines as the Simoqin Prophecies (which it would have to be considering it is a sequel). The plot is a little like the...